Also known as creating Lichtenberg figures, is an art of burning lightning or tree like figures into wood using high voltage electricity.
Fractal wood burning is process of Appling an electrically conductive solution on wood and then Appling high voltage electricity through a transformer using two probes. When electricity is applied it burns into the wood from one probe to the other. The figures that are created are commonly called Lichtenberg figures or fractal burns. These burns create a lightning like image that us burnt into the wood.
They have their own surreal beauty. This tree is also a haven: 25 bird species nest in it, Lizards use it for shelter, and mammals rely on it for food. While it's hard to truly tell how old a tree is, they have no growth rings, trees may live over 300 years. This making them probably the oldest living things in the American southwest desert. Climate change, higher temperatures and longer droughts, and larger and more frequent fires are already taking their toll on the Joshua Trees, which need wet and cold periods to thrive.